Entity Control Board
Procedure of closing open case (contacting EP/Trainee and asking in which way we can help and executing it) called Firefighting.
What is Firefighting:
In NPS Survey the last question that customer is asked: "Do you want to be contacted"?
If EP/Trainee say YES -> This reply starts to call "open case".
What is Open Case:
Only if case can`t be solved in local level Entity Control Board (ecb.moc@aiesec.net) is involved in solving problem in national level.
During induction process LC need to ensure that all EPs/Trainees know ECB mail and informed about rights to contact this body, if case was not solved in Level 2.
ECB will contact LC Quality Head/VP responsible and ask for more details about case. Depends on the situation ECB will choose the channel of communication: mail/wechat/call. LC obligated to respond as soon as possible.
Open cases from the system is not solved by ECB, they are directly forwarded to LC Quality Head that with the help of LC related obligated to solve it.
Only if case can`t be solved in private level LC Quality Head/LCVP in MoC or Abroad is solving problem in the local level.
During induction of EPs/Trainees LC need to ensure that everyone knows contacts of the LC Quality Head and LCVP related.
EP/TN Manager try to solve problem in the private level.
How to do firefighting(解决问题)
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Here you can find example of how to write mail to:
- close case/ response to the complain
- work with promoters for the showcasing
- ask to response surveys (in case EP/Trainee didn`t fill them)
Examples of mails:
1. Don't skip steps and ask EP/Trainee not to.
2. Make sure that all stakeholders in LC that are managing exchange as well as customers know well about the procedure and have correct contacts of LC Quality Head, LC Vice President related and Entity Control Board.
Only if case can`t be solved in national with the help of Member Committee will support EP/Trainee to assign application to solve case by Internal Control Board (icb@ai.aiesec.org) in global level.
Application need to be submitted according to standard: HERE.
Level 4
Cases from the Customer Gauge is constantly updated in Podio. The time of follow up supposed to be in 2*24 hours.
What is the flow:
1. ECB national team update document each 2 days in Podio
2. On Tuesday LC Quality Head check it and transform information to LCVP X, TM (in same day VP is contacting customer to clarify situation and support needed). For not complicated cases LC Quality Head can be the one, who is contacting customers for more information.
3. On Tuesday, Friday, Sunday LC Quality Head check LCVP for the progress, make sure that case is being followed up, if there is new cases in Podio -> ask VP to follow up.
4. Update constantly comments in the tracker as well as color of the case:
red - case is open, LC didn`t contact EP/Trainee.
yellow - LC start to contact, case is in progress.
green - LC contacted person, provided all support needed and now case is solved.
Check your function cases:
Here you can find example of how to write mail to:
- close case/ response to the complain
- work with promoters for the showcasing
- ask to response surveys (in case EP/Trainee didn`t fill them)